The Older Men’s Network – supporting older in the community

Click the play button to the right and listen to the interview talking about TOMNET on FM 102.7 last year.

FM 102.7 Radio Interview with Chilla

by Anthony and Chilla

Audio Player

Older Men Hidden Hardships

The TOMNET DVD features the lives of six older blokes sharing their stories of hardship and personal struggles in an effort to highlight older mens issues.
Contact TOMNET on 07 4638 9080 for your copy.

“its not always easy, indeed its mostly very hard for older blokes to tell you how they really feel. Here are the stories of six of our older men, who courageously let us into their lives, their struggles, their innermost feelings and how they found light
at the end of their personal tunnel.”     
Narrator – Royce Perkins

“its not always easy, indeed its mostly very hard for older blokes to tell you how they really feel. Here are the stories of six of our older men, who courageously let us into their lives, their struggles, their innermost feelings and how they found light
at the end of their personal tunnel.”     
Narrator – Royce Perkins

TOMNET monthly e-newsletter

Keep up with what’s happening in our organisation.

Featuring stories from bus trips, Volunteering, barbecues, helpful articles on mens issues, plus events and special interest group updates.

Please contact us for previous versions of the Newsletter or to be added to the monthly mailout (via email).

The Retired Blokes’ Book

The Retired Blokes’ Book is a directory of services,
contacts, support groups, and current information
from services in your community. This book is a
resource to help you plan for a meaningful retirement
and make it one of the best chapters in your life.

The Retired Blokes’ Book

The Retired Blokes’ Book is a directory of services,
contacts, support groups, and current information
from services in your community.

This book is a
resource to help you plan for a meaningful retirement
and make it one of the best chapters in your life.

(This link will open a new page)

If you are struggling with retirement, need new ideas, or just need to talk, TOMNET can meet with you either face to face, via telephone, or zoom to discuss your current retirement plans and help you find your pathway to a meaningful retirement.

The conversation could change your life.
What are you waiting for?

TOMNET – 07 4638 9080
