TOMNET Community Care Programs:
TOMNET Members support older men in the community by Volunteering in the following programs –

To create Member led or Peer Support networks of older men who genuinely care about the welfare of each other, and who reach out to support other older men in the community.
Our Members commit to ‘Older Men Supporting Older Men’ – we achieve this through networks of peer support and community care programs of Aged Care Visitation, Home Visitation, Affiliate Peer Group Support, Mentoring Disadvantaged Youth, and Telephone Support to isolated Members in our communities.
TOMNET grew from 8 men in 2001, to over 280 men in Toowoomba aged over 50 and we have 12 affiliated groups in regional, rural and remote locations.
A community care service that provides emotional and social peer support to male residents in aged care facilities, assisting then to deal with transition, loneliness, grief and providing a SENSE OF BELONGING.
TOMNET Volunteers regularly visit older men in Aged Care facilities within Toowoomba. Meaningful conversation is an important gift TOMNET Volunteers provide to older men in Aged Care facilities. Often, men find it difficult to participate in group activities with other residents due to a variety of reasons including health, transport or personal issues. The TOMNET Aged Care Visiting program provides a safe environment for older men to actively participate in conversations. Our purpose is the giving of emotional and social support for older men.

Trained peer support Volunteers provide TELEPHONE SUPPORT for Members who are isolated and unable to attend regular TOMNET activities.
Service by TOMNET Volunteers to provide emotional and social support to TOMNET Members and older men in the community who suffer from loneliness due to health, transport or mobility reasons.
There are many reasons men do not engage with other people on a regular basis. Health issues, transport and grief are examples which preclude men from being active, often resulting in men being isolated within their own homes or dwellings. Loneliness results in withdrawal from society, loss of connections with friends, feelings of hopelessness, and possibly depression.

How Can I Help?

There can never be enough encouragement and support for those working in rural and regional areas. Awards such as these create an opportunity to say thank you to businesses, community groups and individuals who work tirelessly in developing their chosen fields of endeavour.